Oz the Great and Powerful (2013)
 A brand-new tale that chronologically paves the way for the earlier masterpiece while capturing the same virtually timeless feel. An inventive and stirring fantasy, not always airtight in its narrative and pacing, but finally full of the very heart the Wicked Witch tragically gets taken away from her. Chances are very good that L. Frank Baum would be immensely pleased.

 Get ready, Blu-rayphiles, for a new demo disc has arrived! Disney's "Oz the Great and Powerful" is absolutely gorgeous in high-definition--immersive, colorful, and crystal-clear to the point where it seems as if the viewer is looking through an opened window rather than a television screen. Having seen the film in 3-D in theaters, I can firmly say the 2-D Blu-ray presentation is a giant step above. This is how the picture was meant to be seen at home. The audio quality of the DTS-HD Master Audio 7.1 Surround track is every bit as impressive as the picture quality. You will feel as if you have been swept up in a tornado and landed in the midst of the magical land of Oz yourself.
 Walt Disney and the Road to Oz (HD, 10 minutes); My Journey in Oz, by James Franco (HD, 22 minutes); China Girl and the Suspension of Disbelief (HD, 5 minutes); Before Your Very Eyes: From Kansas to Oz (HD, 11 minutes); Metamorphosis (HD, 8 minutes); Mr. Elfman's Musical Concoctions (HD, 7 minutes); Bloopers (HD, 5 minutes).
 A must-buy.
